DIFOX Happy Click Premium Edition Color Plus 24 + 3 pic / 400 ASA
Minimal focal distance 1,2m (4 ft.). Colour Negative Film 400 ASA, 30 exposures. Flash built-in.
The shot is of a small design gallery's shop window. They're showing design interiors from the 1960s and 70s. I mirrored myself in one of a group of dangling lamps and included the table and chairs underneath in the reflection. The lamps each have another, smaller part, like a fractal of themselves, which repeats the reflection. The three lamps include sidewalk, traffic and the trees of the boulevard in wide-angle images with different perspectives. This drew my attention. For added bonus, the trees across the street shaded the window's glass enough to let me shoot the lamps without losing all in the shop window's reflection, while throwing their silhouettes across the picture, evoking a double-exposure.
This is the first time I used a single-use camera, and I very much enjoyed the plastic meniscus lense. I should use this more often, or get myself a Diana or Holga. A surprise was the short aperture time—I usually try longer times without tripod.
-Alexander Schuth
I took this picture with a Walgreens Photo 35mm Single-Use Camera. I went hiking with a group of my friends at Sleeping Giant State Park, and took this picture of the cliffs, rocks, and trees below. The entire view from the top of the mountain was magnificent, but too detailed to get a decent shot with a disposable camera. This shooting challenge has made me appreciate digital cameras a lot more than I did before. You don't realize what you have until you can't use it.
-Bradley Koval
I used a DiFox color plus premium edition "happy click" with a 400ASA. When the bright yellow poorly fitted cardboard outside was peeled back, it revealed a disposable with Spanish printed on it, taped together with gaffer's tape at the corner. Deluxe!
My boyfriend came home with a two pack and the rules of this contest on Friday. I had a killer sinus infection, but there was a kick ass sunset in progress, so I ran around the terrace in my slippers, mostly taking photos of that. When I decided that I needed a little something extra in there, I popped this pinwheel flower that a guy I work with gave me when boyfriend and I got engaged two weeks ago. I think the soft focus in the foreground and the puffy white sunset clouds in the background make for something kind of magical. Most of my other shots were crap, but I really liked the whole "I have no idea what I just shot" aspect of shooting with this little box. I've kind of forgotten what that was like.
-Bree Bolger
Kodak Funsaver, ISO 800
This camera had been sitting unused in my glove box for almost a year. The heat it was exposed to did cause some extra graininess but not as much distortion as I had hoped. In this particular shot the sun is out of frame by nearly 45 degrees, yet there is still a massive lens flare. Gotta love that plastic lens.
-Carl Lundstrom
Equipment: a CVS-brand disposable camera with ISO 400 film. I looked for one with expired film, but their stock was all well within expiry. As it turned out, the film still had PLENTY of character...I don't know if the noise and oversaturation I saw in most of the shots is normal for an inexpensive film camera, but I'm pretty sure that the giant red smear that ate its way through the final six frames of the roll is not par for the course.
After looking through the 27 images I saw a few shots that really highlighted the character of the film, but the images really weren't all that interesting to me. I had a neat shot of a farmer and his daughter making apple butter over a bonfire with a corn field as their backdrop, but there was just something about it that wasn't quite right. The farmer was facing the camera and smiling. I hate pictures like that. So instead I submitted a picture of this guy fly fishing in the Perkiomen Creek. This shot of one of the final six on my roll, which means that there was a giant red/yellow stripe eating over half the frame. With just some cropping a desaturation I manged to get what I think it a pretty cool silhouette with some 1800's warmth and haze in the image. It kind of reminds me of the cover of a book.
-Chuck DeLuca
Spent the first half of my day off toting my disposable camera around with me. We went swimming at the pool, took a walk through the park, cleaned the house a little bit, took pictures through it all. dropped 'em off at Walgreens, didn't have prints made cause it would have cost a billion dollars. Anyway, this shot of my love Emily was by far my favorite. Wish her toe hadn't got cut off, but still happy with the photo. Fun challenge.
-David Nemerson
I went to my favorite place to photograph - Asbury Park, NJ. I was walking up to the boardwalk and noticed that there weren't any people walking in this area. The entire scene just said "WELCOME!!"
-Dena D'Zio
Camera: Kodak Disposable Camera (from Walgreens!)
This picture was taken at the Robert Mondavi Winery in Calistoga, CA.
-Diego Jimenez
Photo taken Sept 23, 2010
ISO 800
Kodak Power Flash Single Use Camera
I started using digital cameras about ten years ago. Many years before that
I took photos using range finder and SLR film cameras. I was amazed at what
I forgot about film cameras after taking these pictures using a disposable
camera. This picture of the egret flying would have been much better if I
had remembered that, with film cameras, you have to advance the film after
each shot. The egret took off and flew pretty close to me. I pressed the
shutter button and nothing happen. Forgot to wind the film. By the time I
quickly turned the advance dial, it was further away. Film requires a
completely different skill set. You have to know the camera and it's
capabilities and you have to wait many hours or days to see the results.
If the result is not to your liking, there is no way to take another shot.
Film is a real photo challenge. I'll try it again sometime but for now I'm
staying with digital.
-Duane Sager
Today was a day mixed with both the brightest sun, and the darkest of rain clouds. This picture was taken while walking through the park after a very heavy downpour. I loved how all of flowers fell onto the stairs and stuck there, like frozen purple raindrops.
-Emily Staker
~ Boots Single Use Disposable Camera (£5.99)
~ Comes with 27 exposures
~ Camera had flash, but it wasn't used here.
~ 400 ISO
~ Developed at Boots the Chemist through their 1 hour processing service.
~ Scanned using Canon CanoScan N670U flatbed scanner.
It's been a few years since I last used film, and predictably, a lot of
the photos I took didn't come out quite as well as I hoped. It's odd how
you learn to take things for granted when you're using digital — things
which you really can't take for granted when you're using film.
Including lighting and making sure your flash is turned on! I also
noticed as I looked through my pictures that some of them came out with
a slightly blurry appearance. I eventually settled on a photo I took at
the Gallery of Modern Art. The windows at the stairwell are painted, and
I've always had a thing for taking pictures of light coming in through
stained or otherwise coloured glass. It's also probably the sharpest of
the lot.
-Fiona Conn
I brought my disposable camera with me on a hike up a local mountain with a group of friends. Clearly one of them is an actor. Note the hints of fall foliage in the background, I wish New England leaves turned sooner!
-Hannah Nofsinger
I shot this with a Kodak 'Fun Saver' camera (27 exposures of Kodak 800
ISO film and a built in flash) and a little 10x magnifying glass I
keep at my desk. This was pretty much a shot in the dark as I wasn't
sure what the focal point to the lens would be. I had a vague idea it
would be near an inch an a half, as I had tried the trick with my
iPhone, but I wasn't sure where the image would be tack sharp. Anyway,
I covered the camera's built in flash with three small sheets of
printer paper to mute the power output because a normal flash would
have totally blown out the image. The subject is a two inch high
Apollo 13 miniature, I thought that the technique in taking the photo
would be some small tribute to the clever determination that saved
that space mission.
-John Kittelsrud
On Friday I went to my local CVS and bought a Kodak FunSaver disposable camera, specifically avoiding the HD branded ones as they might have been too good. I took a bunch of pictures of random things, and most turned out badly. I had it down to three before I picked this one of my street, a double exposure with both sides of the street. If this doesn't make it I'm automatically gonna assume the others would have. Taken Sunday, September 26 in Massachusetts with a Kodak FunSaver and resized in photoshop.
-Jon Schultz
What a better place to take a disposable underwater camera than the local water park. We picked up a Fujifilm Quick Snap Waterproof film camera (800 speed) at the sporting goods store. When you've got an underwater camera you've got to take an underwater shot, right? Smile, but don't breathe.
-Kellye Cambare
Kodak FunSaver disposable camera, 800 ISO, with a flash.
This shot was taken sticking my arm and the camera out the window of my car going about 40 mph (something I'd never try to do with a DSLR...). It was about 7:30 pm and the sun was just beginning to set.
It also struck me how weird it was to not be able to check my shots instantly like you can with digital. It was fun though. I might have to bust out the old Canon Rebel 35mm.
-Korwin Stevens
Camera: Fujifilm quick snap flash 35mm 1 time use
I'd recently found and used up an old black&white disposable I found in a box not too long ago, and it reignited my interest in using something other than digital. So when my boyfriend and I were browsing through Gizmodo and saw the weekly contest about disposable cameras, we instantly wanted to get out of our comfort zone and try our hand at it. We bought a two pack and set out looking for ideas. I knew right off that I wanted to attempt multiple exposures. It took a few frames to finally figure it out but we got there eventually. After taking photos of random things (hoping they'd be layered), I decided I wanted more of a method to the chaos. I convinced my boyfriend to be my muse and shot different aspects of him (his hands, shoulders, arms, face, feet, and hair) against a muted backdrop so the color of his skin would be a meshed focal point. And I'm pretty happy with how it came out.
-Mai S
Camera: Fujifilm Quick Snap Flash 35mm 1 time use
I read over the details with my girlfriend the other day and we figured it'd be fun to try. Reading over the slap technique, it reminded me of how back at my senior prom people were running around slapping disposables in everyone's faces. While at the time I only thought it was done solely to irritate the crap out of people (and it did), it was only until we read the tip that it dawned upon me that it was a (still irritating) technique of sorts. So we set out and bought ourselves a two pack, and did the technique for a bunch (but not all) of our pictures. I didn't really want to use a slap photo, but this one came out as probably the best photo in my bunch. There is my girlfriend, my torso, living room, and probably an unintentional-but-totally-convincing secret message detailing the end of the world. We hope you like it!
-Michael O
This shot was unplanned but worked out the best. It was taken through
the windshield while riding in a friend's car. The blue-tinted strip
of glass at the top provided a great faux cross-processed sky. Taken
with Fujifilm disposable (400 speed film), developed at Costco while I
impulse-bought bulk items I didn't need, and resized in Photoshop.
-Nick Sprankle
It's hilarious that this comes up, since I hang out with a group of people locally who do shooting challenges over the period of a month. This month's "Challenge" was "Lo-Fi", along with some Holga shots I decided to use a disposable.
I shot this early this morning, and picked everything up not too long before seeing the contest on Giz.
One thing I never pass up is cheap gear I can't use, as a hardcore film buff i'm always looking to hack equipment never designed for my gear onto it. When a local camera shop was clearing out Fisheye adaptors for camcorders (and small point and shoots i guess) for $2 i had to pick up a handful. They've been sitting in my bag for a few months now and I finally decided to break them out for use with the disposable (the size of them prohibits me from using them on anything with a filter size greater than 20mm or so). Everything here is clearly eyeballed, to see what kind of effects i could get from the adaptors i had to hold them up to my eye, i settled on the configuration described in the picture of one reversed and then one butted up against that, when looking through them it gave a nice bubble effect. Clearly it didn't translate over to film all too well.
The only photoshop involved here is for watermarking/data (what i do for my other "Challenge"). I'm not all that motivated to find the original, since it's somewhere in a pile of discs with other photos, but I assure you this did come from a disposable and was not touched up at all in photoshop (look at all the linters from the scanner).
-Paul Reissner
Fujifilm Quick Snap Waterproof 35mm camera
800 speed color film
Photo CD processed by Target
Lake Tahoe – Hidden Beach
Since our friends in Lake Tahoe had a new kayak we decided to take a disposable waterproof camera for our visit this week. By luck the disposable camera challenge came up. This photo was taken approaching Hidden Beach near Incline Village, Nevada, north Lake Tahoe. Not a lot to say about the setup, nothing on the camera to adjust, just "point and shoot"!
-Russell Kavanagh
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