Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Greatest and Stunning Illustrations designed by Top Designers of the Design Year 2010...

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Another year is about to end, and it's time to remember the coolest things we've seen this year. After looking at most of my favorite illustrations of 2010, and I've made just the perfect selection.

Most of these were featured here at My Blog before in featured artists' posts, and some are totally new here. This is the crème de la crème of 2010, and I know that you guys will love them. Also, this is something to inspire you to evolve your work and get your game on so that in 2011 you get featured here. Don't forget to visit each artist's page for more of these great illustrations. These guys totally rock and deserve to be here. And, if you think I've missed a specific illustration, just point it out to us! We'd love to see your picks. Cheers! ;)

Daniel Conway

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Michael Kutsche

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Alvin Lee

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Dave Johnson

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Dave Johnson

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Serge Birault

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Serge Birault

The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010

Rafael Albuquerque

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Kareem Iliya

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Dustin Nguyen

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Mattias Adolfsson

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Mike Mitchell

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Admira Wijaya

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Francis Manapul

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Jason Seiler

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Karl Kwasny

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Karl Kwasny

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Jordi Joruji

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Warren Louw

The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010

Matei Apostolescu

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Matei Apostolescu

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Sam Nielson

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Dave MacDowell

The Best Illustrations of 2010

Enkel Dika

The Best Illustrations of 2010


The Best Illustrations of 2010

About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, a 26 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

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