Kamis, 23 September 2010

Apple Logo Coloured Pattern Designing with Wooden Background

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Learn how to design an apple desktop theme in this tutorial.

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Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Begin by representing a new file having 1280×854 px and 72 dpi. Select then the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and paint the file out in here shown color: # C3823E
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Select next option for this layer: Filter>Noise>Add Noise
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
One more filter should be applied on this layer: Filter>Blur>Motion Blur
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Next select another filter’s option: Filter>Render>Lighting Effect
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CSUsing the Free Transform option, try to stretch out the layer to the right side and then to the left side, hiding the distorting.
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
For this layer we need to apply next demonstrated parameters:
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Gradient’s parameters:

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Using the Ellipse Tool (U), we shall represent an apple’s silhouette (the famous logotype of Apple Company). We’ll take also the Add Anchor Point Tool to insert several tops on the circle and then select the Convert Point Tool to move them to the central part of the circle.
Press on the Alt button, selecting simultaneously the Ellipse Tool (U) to cut out a part of the apple from its right side.
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
The layer’s parameters:
Blending Options>Drop Shadow

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CSBlending Options>Gradient Overlay
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Gradient’s parameters:

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Blending Options>Stroke
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Gradient’s parameters:
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Using the previous instrument, it’s possible to continue by picturing a small leaf on the apple’s top, colored in # 60BC35. Place it lower than the apple’s layer.
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CSThe layer’s parameters:
Blending Options>Drop Shadow
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Blending Options>Stroke

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Gradient’s parameters:
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Write now the logotype’s name, keeping the next demonstrated demands for the inscription. Using the Free Transform option, we shall incline the text a little.
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
The layer’s parameters:
Blending Options>Drop Shadow

Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CSBlending Options>Stroke
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create a new layer. Select the after that the Brush Tool (B) of white color to paint the letters’ orifices. We should make the corrections on the A letter’s joint with the apple figure.
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
You may see the picture before applying the brush:
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
And now you may compare it with the next one, after applying the brush:
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS
Create Apple Wallpaper in Photoshop CS

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