Kamis, 23 September 2010

Design Websites using Pixelmator

Web Design in PixelmatorThe newly released Pixelmator includes a very important feature: the Slice Tool. Now we can slice and save pieces of the layout to create Web sites. That is really handy! Because of that, I decided to create a tutorial showing how to create a Web site design using Pixelmator.

Step 1

Open Pixelmator, go to http://960.gs/ and download the template files. Open the PSD version so that you will have layers with guides. Select them all and go to Layer>Merge Layers. After that, fill the background layer with dark grey (#333) using the Paint Bucket Tool (N).
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 2

Go to Filter>Stylize>Noise. Use 1 for the Amount. Also make sure that Monochrome is not selected.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 3

Add a new layer, and fill it with white, again using the Paint Bucket Tool (N). Then go to Filter>Generator>Stripes. Use 6 for the Width and 100 for the Sharpness. After that, change the Opacity to 5%.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 4

Add a new layer, and, with the Gradient Tool (G), fill the layer with a gradient from Grey (#666) to black (#000). You will have to resize the layer as well because, when you fill the layer with the gradient, it will fill the whole area. Go to Edit>Free Transform.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 5

Add another layer and fill it with black using the Paint Bucket Tool (N). That layer will be beneath the layer with gradient. After that, change the opacity of this layer to 70%.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 6

Create a new layer with the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), and then fill it with white using the . Go to Edit>Free Transform (Command +F). Then resize the rectangle until you achieve a 1 pixel height line. After that, change the Opacity to 20%.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 7

Place the logo on the header now. Use the Type Tool (T) to create the text.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 8

Let’s import an iPhone template. You can download the PSD file at http://www.teehanlax.com/blog/?p=447. Place it in the document. Use the image below for reference.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 9

Choose an image, and place it in front of the iPhone. Then, with the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), select the visible screen area of the iPhone and mask the image you have just imported.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 10

Import some icons and then create blocks of text using the Type Tool (T) for the titles. Use Lucida Grande Regular, 14pt and white. For the description text, use Lucida Grande Regular, 11pt and grey (#999)
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 11

Now add a slogan, again using Lucida Grande Regular, 24pt and white for the color. Then add a little text below that, again using Lucida, but now in 14pt and grey (#999). It’s important to create a big block of content with the slogan and description aligned to the left and with the block of features.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 12

Add the App Store Badge with some text next to it.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 13

Add a new layer beneath the iPhone, and go to Filter>Generator>Clouds. Use black and white for the colors.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 14

With the Eraser Tool (E), delete most of the layer, leaving just a few parts beneath the phone, as if it is smoke coming from behind it.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Step 15

Add a new layer on top of the smoke layer, and fill it with dark yellow (#f88b00). Then change the Blending to Color Dodge. With the Eraser Tool (E) again, delete most of the layer, leaving just the parts over the smoke. That will create a nice flame effect.
Web Design in Pixelmator


Now, with the Slice Tool in Pixelmator, we can start creating layouts. In this tutorial, I covered basic tips such as creating a nice stripped background, subtle 3D effects, and, of course, a nice light/fire effect.
Web Design in Pixelmator

Download the Pixelmator File

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