First, I’d like to thank Joubert Quentin a.k.a hybrid-creation for allowing me to create this tutorial based on his image, Your Skull is Red. You can see his portofolio in DeviantArt or his personal site. Before we start, take at look at the image we are about to create below.
In this tutorial we will learn how to create selection, adjusting color, and adding depth to image.
Source Needed
For this tutorial, we will need these images:- Water Tower from fairiegoodmother.
- Premade Background from night-fate.
- Brocade Victorian Gustov 3 from falln-stock.
- Top Hat from luna-8.
- Old Top Hat collection from azenor-stock.
Step 1: Selecting The Victorian Man
We’ll start by cutting this man from his background. For this type of selection, I prefer to use the manual way, path. From paths panel create new path then using pen tool draw path around the man. As you can see i don’t care much about his face because we will remove it later.Step 2
Once we’re done creating path, hit ctrl+Enter to change it to a selection. Press ctrl+J to duplicate the selection to a new layer. You can also do this by selecting menu Layer > New > Layer via Copy. To help focus on the man, hide Background by clicking its eye icon.Step 3: Removing Face
To remove his face we can just use an eraser.Step 4: Fixing Floating Hat
Now, we need to create his bottom hat. To do this we must draw manually using clone tool. Activate clone tool and check Sample All Layers. This option allow us to clone on a separate layer and keep the original picture safe. Then create a new layer. With clone tool sample a similar color from his hat by alt+click it.Step 5
With clone tool, draw his bottom hat. This might take a while, I spend 10-15 minutes for this. To keep it natural I suggest you to use different clone source every time you click.Step 6
Using lasso tool, create ellipse selection underneath his hat and fill it with black.Step 7
Add Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to give it a soft realistic shadow.Step 8: Fixing Collar
We need to manually draw his back collar. The step is a bit similar to what we do when creating bottom part of his hat. Create a selection in collar shape, sample color from his front collar, then draw it directly with brush tool. To avoid flat color we must use many color source from his front collar.Step 9
Draw shadow inside his collar and add another Gaussian Blur.Step 10: Import Man Without Face To New Background.
Now we’re done with this man. Select all (ctrl+A), click Edit > Copy Merged (ctrl+shift+C). In our new background paste the man (ctrl+V) and resize it (ctrl+T). See image below for reference.Step 11: Dodge and Burn
We still need to fix lighting on the man. To do this, we will use non-destructive burning and dodging. First, alt+click New Layer icon. In the dialog box select Use Previous, Mode: Overlay, and Fill with Overlay.Step 12
See picture below! The light source is behind the man so his back must be lighter than his front. To fix this, paint with burn tool to make it darker and dodge tool to make it lighter.Here’s what we see if the layer is in Normal blend mode.
Step 13: Add Shadow
Off course this man must have shadow. We know that the light source is behind him, so the shadow must be in front of him. Duplicate the man layer and hit ctrl+T. Hold ctrl and move its corner until it lies on the ground.Step 14
We don’t want to see his twin lying on the ground right? We want his shadow.So, here’s the trick. Hit D, this will change foreground color to black. Then hit shift+alt+delete, this will fill layer with foreground color (in our case, black).
Step 15
We still need to focus on the detail. As you can see below, cane’s shadow moves a little and there’s a hole between his feet. I fix this by doing minor transformation and painting with black.Step 16
Add Gaussian blur to create a soft realistic shadow.Step 17
Farthest shadow need to be more blurry. So, select those part, soften the selection with Feather (Select > Modify > Feather), and another Gaussian Blur. Here’s a tip: because we’ve just perform a Gaussian Blur we can just hit ctrl+F to repeat it again. If you want to use different radius use ctrl+alt+F.Step 18
Add layer mask and add black to white linear gradient to make the shadow fades away.Step 19: Add Water Tower
Selecting the water tower with path is not a good idea. You’ll get frustrated doing it. The easiest and smartest way is using color information in channel. Our image is in RGB, that’s Red, Green, and Blue. The water tower stands in front of a clear blue sky. So, the sky will be very visible in Blue channel. Now, I want you to duplicate Blue Channel by dragging it to the new channel icon.Step 20
Add Levels (ctrl+L) with this setting.You can see that the sky has magically disappear. Try that with pen tool!
Step 21
Some part of the water tower is turning white. We can fix it easily by painting it with black.Step 22
Here’s the basic principle of masking: “White reveals, Black conceals.” We want to select the water tower, not the sky. So, the sky has to be black and the water tower has to be white. Wait! Our image is completely wrong. That’s easy, just hit ctrl+I to invert it.Step 23
Ctrl+click blue copy channel to convert it to a selection. Copy the image and paste it behind our faceless man.Step 24
You might notice that the there’s a small part of the sky in the water tower. Here’s one easy way to fix it. Ctrl+click water tank layer. Contract selection by 1 px (Select > Modify > Contract). Click add layer mask icon.Here’s the result.
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