Kamis, 16 September 2010

A Music Wallpaper with a nice Grunge Effect in PS

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Quick and easy way to create a grunge style collage from your favorites photos.

Create a new file (File>New) of 1000×1000px/72dpi. Using the Paint Bucket Tool (G), give the new background layer this color - #FBD21E
Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Using the Pen Tool (P), try to represent several rays, giving them the color #D4AB1B

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer which must be painted with the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and the color #FBD222. Make a mouse click on Add a Mask selection on the same layer on the bottom part of the layers’ panel, applying the next option: Filter>Render>Clouds.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Make a copy of the recently made layer and apply on the layers’ mask this option: Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp mask
Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Download a set of ready to use brushes for Adobe Photoshop, entitled: D_Grungeset1, Grunge_and_Texture_Brushes_2_by_AiSac, TB_grunge003, thb-grunge-brushes, 512×512_BigBrushes#38_by creamuts
Create a new layer and select for it the brush, named thb-grunge-brushes of black color.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

On the new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply the brush of the above mentioned set, named thb-grunge-brushes, having the color #FFF200 (Opacity 20%)

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

On the next new layer we’ll apply again the thb-grunge-brushes of black color and Opacity of 20%.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Next we’ll create a new layer which must be processed with the brushes, named 512×512_BigBrushes#38_by creamuts. Their color is black. The brush must be turned over with Free Transform option:

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer again and apply the brushes out of the earlier used set, 512×512_BigBrushes#38_by creamuts, having black color.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4On a new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply the brushes out of the set TB_grunge003, having also black color.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer and apply here multiply the brushes Grunge_and_Texture_Brushes_2_by_AiSac. They have yellow color and the Opacity of 30%.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Set the next demonstrated parameters for the layer containing the earlier applied brushes: Fill 38%, Blending mode-Linear Burn
Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

On the next new layer we’ll use the brushes out of the set Grunge_and_Texture_Brushes_2_by_AiSac. On the top part of the picture should be applied the brushes 10 and 12, but the left lowest corner will be painted with the brush 14. They have yellow color and the Opacity of 30%.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

The layer’s parameters: Fill 62%, Blending mode-Screen

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Find a photo with Guitar Amp and Guitar from SXC. I would like to thank the authors: bs1786 and egelife.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Insert all of them on our picture:

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer and use here the brushes out of the set Grunge_and_Texture_Brushes_2_by_AiSac. They have black color.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a new layer and mark here a zone with the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), pressing in the same time SHIFT button.

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Paint the marked zone with the brush Grunge_and_Texture_Brushes_2_by_AiSac

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create a grunge style collage in Adobe Photoshop CS4


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