Rabu, 15 September 2010

Rockstar wallpaper Designing in PS

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4

This tutorial will show you some techniques that can help you create cool wallpapers, advertisements, or many other graphics.

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Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Let’s create a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200px/72 dpi. Applying the Paint Bucket Tool (G), fill the new layer with the color #716D63
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Select the next option for the made layer: Filter>Noise>Add Noise
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 70%
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Copy out the recently made layer and select for the copy the solution from here: Filter>Blur>Motion blur

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Select on the same layer the Free Transform option to stretch down its bottom part:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Select for the same layer: Filter>Distort>Wave
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Overlay
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
We need to create the next layer, applying here the same Paint Bucket Tool (G) to give it the color #968D73
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Next we have to set the background and foreground color:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Choose for the same layer: Filter>Render>Clouds
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
… and Filter> Filter Gallery>Poster Edges

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 59%, Blending mode-Overlay
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Make a copy of the last made layer and choose for it the Free Transform selection to turn around the copy by its horizontal and vertical positions. On the copied layer we’ll press CTRL+U.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Click on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on the next option: Create new fill or adjustment layer>Curves
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Next step includes downloading a set of ready to apply brushes in Adobe Photoshop, named Foliage_VOL_2_brushes_set_by_solenero73, Blood_brush_set_by_AnnFrost_stock, thb-grunge-brushes and BB_HighRes_Grunge_Textures
Click on the layer containing the Curves adjustment layer on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on Add a Mask selection and apply here the brushes of black color out of the set thb-grunge-brushes
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
On the next new layer (Create new layer) we’ll use the brushes from the downloaded set, named BB_HighRes_Grunge_Textures. The brushes have the color #A2987F
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 30%, Blending mode-Color Dodge
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create a new layer, using here the brushes, named BB_HighRes_Grunge_Textures of white color.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 44%, Blending mode-Overlay
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
On the next new layer (Create new layer) we’ll apply the brushes of the above mentioned set (BB_HighRes_Grunge_Textures), having this color this time #464031
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 44%

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create a new layer, applying here the standard brush of black color (Opacity 10%) to represent a kind of frame along the picture’s edges:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Find a stock photos with the Speakers, Road Case, Fender Guitar Amp and Worn shoes on it.
I used this photos: Speakers 1, Speakers 5, Road Case, Fender Guitar Amp and Worn shoes 3 from SXC. I would like to thank the authors: Paul Preacher, Zach Haddock, Pawel Porombka and Sanja Gjenero.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Cut out the objects, inserting them on the main picture. Their sizes must be changed with Free Transform option:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Put together the layers containing the objects (press Ctrl button to mark the layers firstly and then press CTRL+E).
Create a new layer which must be processed with the brushes, named Blood_brush_set_by_AnnFrost_stock. The brushes are of black color and we need to change the Opacity parameter several times to represent the ornaments of different opacity. This new layer should be situated lower than the rasterized layer of the objects.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Hard mix

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
On the next new layer we’ll apply the brushes out of the set Blood_brush_set_by_AnnFrost_stock, having white color (the Opacity parameter can be changed on your wish). This layer will be placed under the rasterized layer of the objects.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Overlay, Blending Options>Drop Shadow
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create a new layer again and apply here the brushes out of the set Blood_brush_set_by_AnnFrost_stock of the color #E03333 (the Opacity parameter may be changed again on your wish). This layer needs to be placed under the layer containing the objects.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Color Burn

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Next we’ll choose the Ellipse Tool (U) to represent an ellipse colored with #FF871B. This layer will be put again under the layer containing the objects.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Color
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Using the same tool, try to draw one more ellipse of white color and this layer will be placed also under the layer containing the objects.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Overlay
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Using the same tool (Ellipse Tool (U)), try to make the next ellipse element of the color #9B160F
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 76%

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Combine in a group all the layers composing those three ellipses (press Ctrl button to mark out the corresponding layers and then hold on the left mouse’s button when moving the marked layers on Create a new group selection) . Make a copy of the new group and choose Free Transform option to change the sizes of the group’s copy: The layer containing the second ellipse (of white color) needs the parameter Fill 88%.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create a new layer using for it the brushes, named Foliage_VOL_2_brushes_set_by_solenero73. The brushes have the color #FCEABE and this layer will be placed under the layer containing the objects too.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Click on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on the selection Create new fill or adjustment layer>Black&White
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Press Alt button and click between the layer with the Black&White effect and the rasterized layer of the objects (on the layers’ panel)
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Click on the bottom part of the layers’ panel on Create new fill or adjustment layer>Curves
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Make a copy of the earlier made group containing the ellipses (the one situated on the right side). Using Free Transform selection, make the copy smaller, placing it the same way indicated next picture:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Applying the same method we did when representing the ellipses’ group, we’ll choose again the Ellipse Tool (U) to represent by turn three small circles. The first one has the color #A80A0A
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Color
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The next circle is of black color.
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 64%

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The third circle is of white color:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Fill 90%

Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Combine in a group all those three circles. Make three copies of the new group we’ve got and finally apply Free Transform option to change the copies’ sizes, placing them the same way demonstrated below:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
On the next layer we’ll apply the brushes out of the set, entitled Blood_brush_set_by_AnnFrost_stock. The brushes are of black color (Opacity 15%)
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Vivid Light
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Find a picture with an audio speaker on it:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Cut it out and insert it on our main picture. Make a copy of its layer, changing the sizes with Free Transform option and finally placing both layers with the speaker inside the ellipses’ group:
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4
Create Awesome Music Wallpaper in Adobe Photoshop CS4

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