Rabu, 03 November 2010

The Infographics Inspiration If you are starting something Online..

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The basic material of an information graphic is the data, information, or knowledge  that the graphic presents. In the case of data, the creator may make use of automated tools such as graphing software to represent the data in the form of lines, boxes, arrows, and various symbols and pictograms. The information graphic might also feature a key which defines the visual elements in plain English. A scale and labels are also common.
While the art form of infographics has its roots in print, by the year 2000, the use of Adobe Flash-based animations on the web has allowed to make mapping solutions and other products famous and addictive by using many key best practices of infographics.

Education By the Numbers Infographic

Microsoft Education has created a beautiful infographic to display raw numbers on various elements of education in America.  The graphic really exposes the imbalance in many areas.  For instance, there are 1.23 billion students in pre-kindgergarten to highschool and only 170 million students in higher education programs by contrast.
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Green through the Ages Infographic

Ah, the color green. So many meanings. Many famous items and places in history and fiction revolve around the color green, so I can certainly understand the creator’s desire to make an infographic that examines this color in detail. The purpose of this graphic is to show how green has shaped our lives throughout history, and then tie that into recycling.
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The Human Tongue Infographic

The human tongue is perhaps the most interesting body part, right after the femur that is. This graphic displays some of the most zany statistics about not only the human tongue, but the animal tongue as well. What kind of animals? How about the whale? The tongue of a whale weighs a measly 5,400 pounds and is the size of an elephant.
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Food of the Summer Infographic

Ah summertime. A time for good-old-fashioned summer food and summertime fun. Now, the focus of this graphic is on summer food in the United States, but it could just have easily been about summer food and summer fun, as you can’t have one without the other.
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The Life of a Cruise Ship Infographic

This infographic displays facts about the world’s largest and most incredible cruise ship: The acclaimed Oasis of the Sea. This ship cost a mere 1.4 billion dollars to construct and took 1,700 hours of engineering and design work prior to the beginning of its construction.
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How Much Do We Really Recycle: Infographic

As this infographic confirms, we are, for lack of a better phrase, a “throw away” culture. That is, we do ridiculous things like dispose of seven and a half times our body weight each year. As expected, the above infographic makes a compelling case for recycling.
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Cloth Diapering Infographic

Ah, cloth diapers. The stuff that dreams are made of. Not only do babies appreciate them more because of the comfort that cloth provides, but parents like them because of the cash they save by reusing the same diaper. So, considering that cloth diapers are superior in every conceivable way, why don’t more people use them?
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U.S. Hunger and Obesity Infographic

How are hunger, poverty, obesity, food insecurity and food stamps connected? That’s the question this complex infographic attempts to answer, and its creator leveraged data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the CDC, and the USDA to reach her conclusions.  Anne Mai Bertelsen, the creator of this graphic, is the leader of MAi Strategies and Principal at Causeshift.
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Fascinating Facts of Online Bingo

You might think the phrase “fascinating facts of online bingo” is an oxymoron, but the reality is that online bingo is actually extremely fascinating. Ok. Maybe not. But at least its more interesting than online games of rock, paper, and scissors
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Asian Longhorned Beetle Killing New York City Trees

What a novel concept, an infographic that actually gives information that is crucial and possibly life-changing…at least to some trees. While not a true infographic in the most strict and classical sense of the word, it does graphically display the area where the Asian Longhorned Beetle is having a devastating affect on the trees in New York.
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History of Japanese Bloodtyping Infographic

When this was submitted by a reader I wasn’t sure what to think. I had never  heard of bloodtyping. Leave it to the Japanese to come up with something as weird and commercial as this. If you want to know more about bloodtyping, take a gander over here. The basic idea is that your blood type dictates many things about you
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SEO Infographic – Link Data Visualization

When it comes to SEO, it can be difficult to explain the difference between quantity and quality to those who are looking for the fastest way possible to rank their websites on Google and other major search engines.
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Housing Market Recovery Infographic

The housing market has seen a sharp uptick over the past several months, and it has the federal government to thank for it.  Ever since the federal government handed out an $8,000 home buyer tax credit and lowered mortgage rates in 2009, about a million new buyers have entered the market.
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Planet of the Apes Infographic

Another infographic masquerading as a timeline, but I’m okay with that because this image dose a great job explaining the oft confusing time travel issues of the Planet of the Apes movie. And since it isn’t a factual timeline, I’m giving it some latitude.
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How Much Energy Does A Google Search Cost Infographic

The data is far more interesting than the graphics in this infographic and that is usually the opposite when considering any infographic. In fact the on-off buttons are a bit confusing considering the focus is on a Google  search and not turning on a computer, but the idea is there, so it is at least tangent to the concept of energy use, especially by a computer.
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Solving Global Warming Infographic

The hot button topic of global warming, shines its face upon the upcoming world of infographics. And it makes a warm and wonderful splash. Everyone always asks what can we do to stop or slow global warming and this infographic steps up and delivers dozens of graphically illustrated solutions to the global warming problem.
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Howard Hughes – Infographic or Timeline?

More and more it seems the infographic is being watered-down (some would say dumbed-down) until it is little more than a few simple pictures with some insipid facts or boring stats that no one would ever care about unless they had to write a report for their high school class.
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Nuclear Arms Reduction Infographic

While the subject matter is frightening, the presentation of this wordly infographic is very simplistic, which softens the true message – we need to keep reducing the nuclear storehouses of all the countries involved. Was anyone else surprised to learn that Russia has more nuclear warheads that the United States?
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BuySellAds Infographic

Clever idea by BuySellAds, a self-promotional infographic charting the progress of BSA over the last two years. While the visual graphics are nothing to write home about, the idea behind it and the creative use of self-promotion are ideas to be appreciated. In today’s Internet, promoting your site, your self or your company can be tricky. BuySellAds has done a decent job of this with this company infographic.
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Homeschooling: By The Numbers infographic

Homeschooling: By The Numbers is a good infographic from the DegreeSearch.org blog.  Simple statistics with a very clean design, but varied use of data visualization styles
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The Most Powerful Colors on the Web

The Colors of the Web is a very cool infographic by ColourLovers.com.  Looking at the color distribution of the icons of the top 100 web brands.
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Serial Killer Infographic – Prolific Murderers

This infographic is mildly disturbing, yet visceral in its presentation. Dark background, vibrant red and stark contrasts all work together to convey a message that is obvious even before reading the content. That is what makes an infographic good – an understanding of the concept just through the visualization of the data.
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Animals & Humans: What’s the Difference

Humans rule the world. There is no debate about that, but we certainly shouldn’t think we are distinct in many area when comparing us with animals. Think we are the only creatures on the planet with a sense of humor, or have a culture, or show emotions such as love? Think again.
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FarmVille vs. Real Farms infographic

Designed by Shane Snow (@shanesnow) for Mashable.com, FarmVille vs. Real Farms takes a look at how the statistics behind the FarmVille phenomenon on Facebook compares to real world statistics about farming.
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The Web 2.0 Points of Control Map

The Web 2.0 Summit Points of Control Map is a very cool, interactive map.  As part of the marketing for the upcoming Web 2.0 Summit  (November 15-17 in San Francisco) they have released this interactive map that takes the metaphor of web companies/brands as countries on a map (from xkcd.com and flowtown.com) to a new level.
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Labor Day by the Numbers

Appropriate for this week in the U.S., Labor Day by the Numbers takes an infographic look at labor statistics, top jobs in the U.S. and facts about the Labor Day holiday.
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The 2010 Social Networking Map

The team at Flowtown.com designed the 2010 Social Networking Map as an update to the Map of Online Communities by xkcd.com in early 2007.  Social networking has certainly advanced in the last three years (even in the last three days!), so the update shows a lot of changes in geography.
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Where is the Best Beer in America Infographic

This is our second featured infographic on alcohol and this one has bit more graphic and little less info, but it still rates highly on our visual appeal scale. It can be difficult to use a map in an infographic, especially when every state figures into the equation, as in the case below, but the artist has done a nice job to simplify the data.
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Google’s Acquisition Appetite

From Scores.org, a data-heavy Google(graphic) by Jess Bachman, Google’s Acquisition Appetite.  Visualizing almost 10 years of Google’s acquisitions and investments, and there’s hardly a month that Google didn’t invest in something.
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The YouTube Flowchart

Karen Kavett is a graphic design student at the Rhode Island School of Design and she was inspired to create the So You Want To Watch YouTube flowchart after seeing the So You Need A Typeface flowchart by Julian Hansen.
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Twitter Users Profile Infographic

Satire and the Internet make great friends. And the newest Internet sensation to be targeted is Twitter. While many blogs make fun of twitter  you must admit Twitter does have a larger group of followers. Of course, how many are actually paying attention remains to be seen.
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