Jumat, 12 November 2010

Top Technology Blogs and Its Founders and Editors.Folllow them and Copy their Success...

best techblogs1 Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
The Kings of blogging world and the people behind the empires. We compile some of the best authors and founders from some of the best Tech Blogs on the web. There thinking and posts on the web inspired millions of people and web addicts all over the web. Lets have a look.

Authors and People Behind Mashable

Founded in July 2005, Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Media news. With more than 15 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web and offering social media resources and guides.

Pete Cashmore, Founder . CEO

pete cashmore Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Working as a web technology consultant in mid 2005, Pete Cashmore founded Mashable from an unlikely location: a small town in the north of Scotland. Focusing on up-to-the-minute news on social networks and new websites, it rapidly grew to be one of the top 10 blogs in the world according to the blog ranking service Technorati. The site’s writers have been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post and hundreds of technology publications. Pete was selected as a Top 25 Forbes Web Celeb in 2007, while Mashable was chosen as a must-read site by both Fast Company and PC Magazine. In mid 2007, BusinessWeek featured Mashable as one of the world’s most profitable blogs.
Pete divides his time between San Francisco, the UK and technology events around the US, including Mashable meetups in Los Angeles and New York. Facebook | Twitter

Adam Ostrow, Editor in Chief

adam ostrow Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Adam Ostrow is a new media entrepreneur, consultant, and commentator. As Editor in Chief at Mashable, Adam is responsible for the editorial management and direction of one of the most widely read blogs in the world, covering the latest technologies, trends, and individuals that are driving the current evolution of the Web. Adam is a graduate of The University of Maryland, from which he holds a B.A. in Journalism and was awarded Most Outstanding Senior in the school’s prestigious Hinman CEOs program. Adam has been frequently quoted by mainstream media, including mentions in The New York Times, BusinessWeek, USA Today, The Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC.
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Sharon Feder, Managing Editor

sharon feder Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Sharon Feder joined Mashable in June 2008 and is Managing Editor, responsible for editorial projects and guest writer relations. Prior to joining Mashable, Sharon held positions in communications and media. An NYC native, Sharon attended the State University of New York at New Paltz and holds a BA in Journalism. Facebook | Twitter

Ben Parr, Co-Editor

ben parr Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Ben Parr is the Co-Editor of Mashable, as well as a serial web entrepreneur, sci-fi author, and aspiring world changer. He has been writing for Mashable since August 2008. His previous experience includes project management for Facebook applications and content management in the web health space. Additionally, Ben recent
ly completed his first sci-fi novel, Desel. Ben is a graduate of Northwestern University and earned a B.A. in Science in Human Culture, Political Science, and Business. He is a recent transplant to Silicon Valley and San Francisco.
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Barb Dybwad,  Senior Editor

barb dyweb Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Barb Dybwad joins the Mashable team with a background in professional blogging since 2004 in fields including technology, gadgets, social media, and video games. She has written for and managed virtual teams at sites including Engadget, Joystiq, Obsessable, The Social Software Weblog, Download Squad and The Unofficial Apple Weblog, and as the former Senior Producer of the Joystiq network founded its spinoff properties WoW Insider (now WoW.com), Massively and Big Download. A recent transplant to Los Angeles, Barb would still be a member of the Ithaca, NY network if only Facebook would let her be in both regions. She is a graduate of Smith College with a degree in Biochemistry, which will surely come in highly useful again… someday. Facebook | Twitter

Josh Catone, Features Editor

josh catone Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Josh Catone joined Mashable in May 2009 and is Features Editor. Before joining Mashable, Josh was the Lead Writer at ReadWriteWeb, the Lead Blogger at SitePoint, and the Community Evangelist at DandyID. He’s written about technology since 1998 for magazines, newspapers, and web sites, and he is the co-founder of Rails Forum, the web’s largest community for Ruby on Rails developers. He attended the University of Rhode Island and Ithaca College.
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Stan Schroeder, European Editor

stan schroeder Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Stan has been writing for Mashable since 2007, and having the benefit (or the curse) of working in a European time zone, he’s taken the post of European Editor. He’s been a pro IT journalist in Croatia for over 6 years, having written, among numerous other publications, for the biggest local IT paper magazine Bug as well as one of the biggest local web portals, tportal.hr. Interested in writing in English, he started his (now existing only as archive) blog, FranticIndustries, and he also co-founded (and subsequently sold) whoishostingthis.com, a simple tool for determining the hosting provider of any website. He’s an undergraduate of the Philosophic Faculty of Zagreb, working towards a B.A. in English Language and Literature as well as Information Science. He lives in Zagreb, Croatia, and spends his free time pursuing one of his many interests, which include CrossFit, collecting band t-shirts, tinkering with gadgets and hardware and generally leading a frantic lifestyle.
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Jennifer Van Grove, Associate Editor

jennifer vangroove Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Jennifer joins Mashable as an Associate Editor. She is a community-minded professional with a passion for blogging and social media. Her experience includes working as a Community Manager and Social Media Strategist. Jennifer is also an active participatant in the San Diego web and technology space. She organizes the San Diego Tweetup group, and is a regular contributor to StartupSD.net, where she interviews and blogs about innovative San Diego startups. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from UCLA. Fcaebook | Twitter

Christina Warren,  Staff Writer

Christina Warren is a writer, speaker and video host. Before joining Mashable, Christina was the assistant lead blogger at Download Squad and The Unofficial Apple Weblog. She has also written for USA Today and for AOL’s StyleList Blog. A technology, popular culture and Internet media junkie, Christina lives in Atlanta with her fiance and their computer collection. A Film major in college, Christina talks movies and TV every week on the podcast, The Flickcast.
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Full Authors & People list of Mashable


Authors & People Behind TechCrunch

TechCrunch was founded on June 11, 2005, as a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies. In addition to covering new companies, we profile existing companies that are making an impact (commercial and/or cultural) on the new web space. TechCrunch has now grown into a network of technology focused sites offering a wide range of content and new media.

Heather Harde, CEO

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Heather Harde is the CEO of TechCrunch. She spent the last ten years working within News Corporation. She held a variety of corporate development, strategy and operating roles both in Los Angeles and New York. Most recently, she was part of the founding team at Fox Interactive Media and their SVP Mergers & Acquisitions. Her team spent over $1.3 billion on eight acquisitions and two equity deals during her tenure. Their acquisitions spanned pre-launch start-ups all the way through public-company and pre-IPO buyouts.

Michael Arrington, Founder & Co-Editor

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J. Michael Arrington (born March 13, 1970 in Huntington Beach, California) is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of TechCrunch, a blog covering startups and technology news.
Arrington attended Claremont McKenna College (BA Economics, 1992) and Stanford Law School (JD, 1995), and practiced as a corporate and securities lawyer at two law firms: O’Melveny & Myers and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. His clients included idealab, Netscape, Pixar, Apple and a number of startups, venture funds and investment banks. He also co-authored a book on initial public offerings. Arrington worked in an operational role at a Carlyle backed startup in London, founded and ran two companies in Canada (Zip.ca and Pool.com), was COO to a Kleiner backed company called Razorgator, and consulted to other companies, including Verisign.

Erick Schonfeld, Co-Editor

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Erick Schonfeld is the Co-Editor of TechCrunch. He has been covering startups and technology news since 1993.
Prior to TechCrunch, he was Editor-at-Large for Business 2.0 magazine, where he wrote feature stories and ran their main blog, Next Net, which had nearly 50,000 RSS subscribers. He also does a lot of video work and hosts regular panels of industry luminaries.

Jason Kincaid, Writer

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Jason Kincaid is a writer at TechCrunch. He grew up in Danville, California and later relocated to UCLA in Los Angeles, California, where he studied biology with a minor in ‘Society and Genetics’

Leena Rao, Writer

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Leena Rao is a writer for TechCrunch. She recently finished graduate school at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, where she studied business journalism and videography. From 2004 to 2007, she helped lead Congresswoman Carloyn Maloney’s community outreach and relations efforts in New York City. She graduated from Columbia University in 2003.

MG Siegler, Writer

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MG Siegler is a writer for TechCrunch. Previously, he’s covered the field for VentureBeat and his own blog, ParisLemon. Originally from Ohio, MG attended the University of Michigan where he studied film. He’s previously lived in Los Angeles where he worked in Hollywood and in San Diego where he worked in web development. He now lives in San Francisco.

Robin Wauters, Writer

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Robin Wauters is an entrepreneur, blogger, conference organizer, social media consultant, startup advisor and allround web addict, based in Belgium, Europe. Robin is a writer at TechCrunch and managing editor of Virtualization.com. He was one of the first writers to join blognation, an ambitious effort to centralize reports about Web 2.0 startups from around the world into one blog platform. He is mostly known for Plugg, a one-day conference in Brussels aimed to raise awareness for European entrepreneurship as well as the continent’s most promising Web / Mobile 2.0 startups. He’s also the organizer of the monthly OpenCoffee Club Brussels meetups.

Full Authors & People list of TechCrunch


Authors & People Behind Engadget

Engadget is a multilingual technology weblog and podcast about consumer electronics. Engadget currently has nine separate websites, all operating simultaneously with each having its own staff, which cover technology news in different parts of the world in their respective languages. Engadget won a 2007 Weblog Award for tech sites.

Joshua Topolsky, Editor-in-chief

editor joshua topolsky Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Joshua Topolsky heads Engadget as Editor-in-chief with a firm yet awesome hand. Josh loves to talk, and as a result has been quoted by The New York Times, CNN, USA Today, and his mother. He’s also the resident tech-expert (a real title) at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. A lifelong gadget geek, he had his first computer at age 6 (a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A), and has been breaking apart (and piecing back together) technology since phones had rotary dialers. Before joining Engadget in 2007 he never woke up before 12PM. Website | Twitter

Thomas Ricker, Senior Editor

editor thomas ricker Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Thomas’ first gadget memory was typing 7734 into his father’s inverted, HP-35 scientific calculator. Clearly fated to Engadget, he would have to wait another 20 years before the rise of the medium. A degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering led Thomas to Silicon Valley just prior to the dot-com boom. He landed in London after the bust then bounced between New York and London before settling in Amsterdam with his wife and three young children.
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Paul Miller, Senior Associate Editor

editor paul miller Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Paul Miller loves technology, but technology doesn’t always love him. He’s burned through half a dozen faulty routers, inadvertently baptized two laptops, and can never seem to get his inbox under control. Despite these setbacks, Paul’s small NY apartment is filled with the gadgets that so beset him, and you can usually find him squinting into his laptop screen, trying to write something or “repair permissions” or something like that. When it’s all too much he likes to escape to the streets with his skateboard and nurse his technological wounds with some frozen yogurt.
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Nilay Patel, Senior Associate Editor

editor nilay patel Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
Nilay drove a Chrysler into a pond when he was four. Everything else has followed logically.
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Darren Murph, Associate Editor

editor darren murph Brilliant People & Authors from the Best Tech Blogs
An unhealthily loyal NC State fan and alum, Darren was once forced to work a modern day CES with a Snake-laden Nokia candybar. He also attended his first LAN party at age seven, and his goal in life is to literally go everywhere. Only two of those points are true, and he might confess to which are which if you’ve got some airline miles you’d like to donate. Or a phone made in the last decade. Email | Twitter

Full Authors & People list of TechCrunch


Authors & People Behind ReadWriteWeb

ReadWriteWeb is a top ten blog and the number one information technology blog in the world. ReadWriteWeb is known for offering some of the most insightful commentary available about each day’s Internet industry news.
ReadWriteWeb was founded on April 20, 2003 by Richard MacManus and is now one of the most widely read and respected blogs in the world. Our readers are smart, tech savvy, engaged, decision makers. 46% have ‘significant input’ or “make final information technology purchase decisions.” As one advertiser put it, “The real users of the Web read ReadWriteWeb.”

Richard MacManus, Founder and Editor in Chief

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Richard MacManus is the Founder and Editor in Chief of ReadWriteWeb. New Zealander MacManus founded ReadWriteWeb in 2003 and grew his blog about the changing Internet into an international team of journalists. ReadWriteWeb is read by millions of thought leaders and consumers, and is syndicated daily by the New York Times. Still grounded in MacManus’ thoughtful exploration of emerging trends, ReadWriteWeb is known for offering some of the most insightful commentary available about each day’s Internet industry news.

Marshall Kirkpatrick, Vice President of Content Development

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Marshall Kirkpatrick is Vice President of Content Development  at ReadWriteWeb, and also the Lead Writer. He hails from Portland, Oregon, USA. Prior to joining RWW in Sept 2007, Marshall was Director of Content at SplashCast Media. During 2006 he was Lead Blogger at TechCrunch. You can contact Marshall at marshall@readwriteweb.com.

Sean Ammirati, Chief Operating Officer

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Sean Ammirati  is Chief Operating Officer at ReadWriteWeb, based in Pittsburgh, PA. He has also been part of the writing team since March 2007 and hosted our podcast ReadWriteTalk. Prior to becoming ReadWriteWeb’s COO, Sean was a software entrepreneur who co-founded a few venture backed start-ups and prior to that was a research fellow at Carnegie Mellon’s Software Industry Center. You can reach Sean Ammirati at sean@readwriteweb.com.

Sarah Perez,  Writer

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Sarah Perez is a Writer for ReadWriteWeb, joining the team in January 2008. Sarah is from sunny Tampa, Florida where she had worked as an I.T. Professional for many years. You can contact Sarah at sarah@readwriteweb.com.

Full Authors & People list of TechCrunch


Authors & People Behind Gizmodo

Gizmodo is a blog about gadgets and technology. Started in 2002, Gizmodo has grown to be Gawker Media’s largest blog, bringing in upwards of 100 million page views a month in traffic. We post about a variety of electronics, as well as all sorts of things gadget geeks might enjoy.

Brian Lam, Editorial Director

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Brian Lam is the man behind the curtain at one of the biggest blogs in the world–gadget site Gizmodo, which boasts an average 3.1 million pageviews a day. In late 2008, Gizmodo made headlines as it aggressively reported rumors about Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ health. While other outlets ignored the story or even criticized Gizmodo’s coverage, the blog was ultimately proved right. Lam himself even stole some of the story’s spotlight when he posted a column ripping into his critics and praising his own coverage. Email | Twitter

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