Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Top 20 Professional Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners.

photoshop tutorial9 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
Whether you’re a photographer, graphic designer or web designer, amateur or professional, if you’re looking for Photoshop tutorials that are fun and simple, and most importantly, if you’re looking for tutorials that actually teach you Photoshop, not just hand you recipes for effects or a bunch of steps and filter settings to memorize, you’ll find them here!

Film Strip Photo Collage in Photoshop

photoshop tutorial1 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this two-part Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a fun photo collage using a simple film strip shape as a photo frame for multiple images. In this first part of the tutorial, we’ll draw the actual film strip itself using Photoshop’s shape tools, then we’ll save it as a separate document so we can easily re-use it any time we want without having to draw it all over again. In the second part of thetutorial, we’ll use several copies of the film strip to create our photo collage.
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Add A Realistic Rainbow To A Photo In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial2 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to easily add a rainbow, and even a double rainbow, to a photo! As we’ll see, Photoshop ships with a ready-made rainbow gradient for us to use. We’ll learn where to find it and how to load it in. We’ll also learn how to flip the order of the colors in a gradient, which we’ll need to do to create a more realistic double rainbow effect. Of course, as with most photo effects, it helps if you start with the right type of image. In this case, a photo taken outdoors is a good place to start. If it happens to be a landscape photo taken after a rain storm, even better! I’ll be using Photoshop CS5 throughout thistutorial but any recent version will work.
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Dancing In The Stars Photo Effect

photoshop tutorial3 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
The other night, I was sitting outside staring up into space, hoping for a glimpse of the annual Perseid meteor shower, when the thought hit me – what if the wedding couple was up there dancing in the stars? Well, so much for the meteor shower, as I raced back inside to play around in Photoshop and see where the idea would take me. Not surprisingly, creating this “dancing in the stars” effect (no relation to a certain tv show with a similar name) is very simple. In fact, a few of the steps are borrowed from our previous Create A Starry Night Skytutorial, so if you’ve worked through that one, some of this will already be familiar to you.
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Add Bubbles With A Custom Bubble Brush In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial4 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll learn how to add bubbles to a photo by creating our very own bubble brush! We’ll draw a simple bubble, save it as a Photoshop brush, customize its behavior using the Brush Dynamics options in the Brushes panel, then use the brush to paint bubbles into a photo! I’ll be using Photoshop CS5 throughout this tutorial, but any recent version of Photoshop will do.
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Screen Jumping Effect In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial5 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this tutorial, we’ll add more action and excitement to the effect by making a person or object appear to be leaping right out of the screen!
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Colorizing Images With Gradients In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial6 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to add complex colorizing effects to images using custom gradients! Specifically, we’ll look at the Gradient Map image adjustment and how it allows us to apply different colors to different brightness levels in the image. We’ll see how easy it is to create our own custom gradients in Photoshop so we can colorize our images with any colors we choose. As always, we’ll be using the adjustment layer version of the Gradient Map so we avoid making any changes to the original photo, and so we can easily adjust the intensity of the effect when we’re done!
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Add A Lens Flare Effect Non-Destructively With Blend Modes

photoshop tutorial7 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll learn how layer blend modes make it easy to add a popular lens flare effect to a photo without making any permanent changes to our image. We’ll start by adding the lens flare normally to position it exactly where we want it, then we’ll undo the effect, add a new layer, re-apply the lens flare instantly using a handy keyboard shortcut, and finally, we’ll blend the lens flare into the image using one of Photoshop’s most common and widely used blend modes.
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High Key Glow Effect In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial8 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a high key glow effect, which is a fancy way of saying we’ll be applying a glow only to the highlights in an image. This effect works especially well with wedding portraits since it’s great for adding a romantic, magical look to your photos, and wedding portraits usually contain lots of bright white areas to work with. We’ll see how to easily select just the highlights in an image using Photoshop’s Color Range command, then we’ll copy the highlights to their own layer and create the glow effect using a blur filter and one of Photoshop’s layer blend modes designed for lightening images. Finally, we’ll combine layers into a layer group and use a layer mask to limit the areas where the glow effect is visibile. It may sound like a lot of work, but once you know how to do it, the entire effect can be completed in just a few minutes! I’m using Photoshop CS4 here, but any recent version of Photoshopwill work.
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Halftone Pattern Photo Border

photoshop tutorial9 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a fun and simple halftone pattern photo border using a couple of Photoshop’s filters, a basic selection tool, a layer mask, and a layer blend mode. We’ll be using Smart Filters to create the effect, which will allow us to easily make changes to the photo border after we’ve created it without having to undo or redo any steps. Smart Filters were first introduced in Photoshop CS3, which means you’ll need at least Photoshop CS3 if you want the added benefits that Smart Filters offer (I’ll be using Photoshop CS4 myself), but this effect can be created with any version of Photoshop, including Photoshop Elements, so don’t lose hope just because you don’t have CS3 or CS4. If you’re using Photoshop CS2 or earlier, or Photoshop Elements, simply ignore the few steps that deal specifically with Smart Filters and apply regular filters to the layer as you normally would. The only thing you’ll be missing out on is the added flexibility and editability that Smart Filters give us.
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Create Cinematic Panoramas With Photomerge In Photoshop CS4

photoshop tutorial10 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll look at how easy it is to create a seamless, cinematic-style panorama from multiple images using Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS4. Photoshop has been somewhat capable of creating panoramas for quite a while now, but it wasn’t until Photoshop CS3 came along with its dramatically improved Photomerge command that its ability to stitchphotos together really began to shine. Photoshop CS4 takes things even further with some additional new features, including the ability to remove vignetting fromphotos , a common problem with wide angle images that used to result in panoramas having different brightness values as you moved across them from left to right.
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Photoshop Snow Effect – Add Falling Snow To A Winter Photo

photoshop tutorial11 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to easily add realistic falling snow to a winter photo.
Call me crazy, but I love winter. Sure, it’s not always easy to drive in, and scrapping ice off the car windshield is never fun. But to me, there’s nothing better than waking up to a fresh blanket of snow covering the city, or hearing that crunching sound the snow makes under my boots, or watching the snowflakes glisten and sparkle under the street lights as I take my dog for a walk in the quiet calm of a cold winter night. Or maybe it’s all just a shameful excuse to drink too much hot chocolate. Who knows.
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Gritty, Overprocessed Photo Effect

photoshop tutorial12 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’re going to look at how to give a photo a gritty, overprocessed look to it with extreme levels of contrast and sharpening, noise and washed out colors. Part of the effect will be created with a technique normally used as an advanced way of sharpening an image, but in this case, we’ll be taking things well beyond the boundaries of common sense. This is the sort of thing that would probably get you fired if you were supposed to be doing serious photo editing and retouching work, but I’ve seen this photo effect used time and time again in advertising, and while the final result looks rather harsh, Photoshop makes creating the effect quick and painless, as we’ll see!
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An Easy Way To Find Neutral Gray In An Image

photoshop tutorial13 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
When it comes to color correcting images in Photoshop, removing color casts from the highlight and shadow areas is usually pretty straightforward since it’s quite easy to find the brightest and darkest areas in an image. But what about the midtones? How do you find that area in the image that’s supposed to be neutral gray? Usually, you guess and hope for the best, since Photoshop doesn’t seem to have any way of easily pointing out those midtone gray areas for us. Or does it?
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Reducing Wrinkles With The Healing Brush In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial14 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this tutorial, we’ll look at the Healing Brush, by far the best photo retouching tool in all of Photoshop, and how we can use it to easily reduce distracting skin wrinkles in an image. Notice how I said “reduce”, not “remove” wrinkles. One of the most common retouching mistakes is to completely remove the wrinkles from a person’s face, smoothing the skin out so completely that a person in their 40′s, 50′s, 60′s or later looks like they’ve barely aged a day since they were a teenager. That may sound flattering, and if you’re doing work for a high end fashion magazine, it may well be the result you want. But for those of us who live in reality, wrinkles are a natural sign of aging, life experience and the wisdom that comes with it, not something to be shunned and removed through heavy-handed use of Photoshop. As the saying goes, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
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Changing Eye Color In An Image

photoshop tutorial15 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo retouching tutorial, we’ll learn a very simple technique for changing someone’s eye color in a photo using a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer! Of course, there’s no shortage of ways to change colors in an image with Photoshop, but whether you know which color you want to use or just want to play around and experiment, a Hue/Saturation image adjustment makes changing eye color easy, fast and fun!
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Colorizing A Photo With Multiple Colors In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial16 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’re going to learn how to colorize a photo using multiple colors. It’s an effect I’ve seen used quite a bit in ads for photo printers and for color calibration software. The idea is simple. Take a single photo, divide it into multiple sections of equal size (usually four sections), then colorize each section using a different color, or a different shade of the same color, to create interesting results. With the photo printer ads, for example, each section of the photo is usually colorized using one of the four main colors of ink (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). With the color calibration software ads, each section of the photo is tinted with a slightly different color to show how the same image can look different on different monitors when they’re not properly calibrated.
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Soft Focus Lens Effect In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial17 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this tutorial, we’ll look at a fast and easy way to add a more traditional soft focus lens effect to an image. The nice thing about creating this effect in Photoshop rather than with an actual soft focus lens is that Photoshop gives us complete control over the final result.
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Adding Light Streaks To A Photo

photoshop tutorial18 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to look at how to add colorful streaks of light to a photo. You’ve probably seen these light streaks used in ads for everything from shampoo to cellphones, and in fact they were used most recently in a cool ad for a new cellphone from Sprint and Samsung. Creating them is as easy as drawing a path with Photoshop’s Pen Tool and then stroking the path with a brush, with a couple of simple layer styles used to add the actual color and light effect.
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Turn A New Photo Into An Old Photo In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial19 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to look at how to do a bit of reverse photo restoration, turning a new or recent photo into an old photo, one that looks like it was taken many years ago, and we’ll be doing it by combining several separate effects to create our final result. We’ll be looking at how to replace a photo’s original colors with a classic sepia tone, how to add a soft glow to an image, how to darken edges, how to add noise, dust and scratches, how to fade an image by brightening the blacks and darkening the whites, and we’ll even see how to bring back some of the photo’s original color when we’re done. Lots of fun stuff!
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Creating Photo Borders In Photoshop With Masks And Filters

photoshop tutorial20 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop tutorial, we’re going to learn how easy it is to create fun and interesting photo borders using nothing more than a simple layer mask and your choice of Photoshop filter. I say “your choice” because there’s no shortage of filters to choose from in Photoshop and many of them are great for creating unique photo borders. We’ll look at a few examples of ones that work really well, but you’ll definitely want to experiment on your own with the various filters to see what sort of photo border effects you can come up with!
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Adding Reflections To Sunglasses In Photoshop

photoshop tutorial21 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial, we’re going learn how to add reflections, or at least, different reflections, to sunglasses. This is a popular Photoshop effect and opens up a world of creative and artistic possibilities depending on who is wearing the sunglasses and who or what you have them looking at.
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Combining Reality With A Rotoscope-Style Painting

photoshop tutorial22 20+ Professional Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials
In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we’re going to look at how to easily combine reality with a rotoscope-style painting. “Rotoscoping” is the term used when artists paint or trace over live-action film, frame-by-frame, to create an animation, and it’s being used in everything from tv commercials to Hollywood movies, most notably the recent Keanu Reeves movie “A Scanner Darkly”.
We’re not going to be creating an entire animated sequence here, but we are going to learn how to give a photo that same rotoscoped effect, and it’s very easy to do. Rather than applying the effect to the entire image though, which we certainly could do if we wanted, we’re only going to apply it to the main subject of the image, leaving everything else in the photo untouched so it looks like we’re combining a painting with reality.
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