Rabu, 01 September 2010

10 Weired and Bizarre Pairs of Underwear

Everyone likes a comfortable pair of underwear, but there are some designs that are just bizarre. Now, whether or not you choose to show off your bizarre choice in undergarments is completely up to you, but I am not sure showing these off will make them laugh at you or love you all the more.
iPhone Panties

This pair of underwear is just the right pair for the iPhone lovers out there. They even have the words “Slide to Unlock” on them. This could be enticing to the right person.
iphone panties
Chopstick Bra
Triumph International Japan has come up with a bra that is eco-friendly and it promises cleavage. This bra has reusable chopsticks in the pockets on the sides. The front is made up a two bowls, one is rice and the other is miso soup.
chopstic bra
Anatomy Underwear
Parsons released this design at the Fall Fashion 2009 event. It has patches where the breast and hair should be. It raised eyebrows and just might be to innovative for the fashion world.
anatomy underwear
Men’s Pushup Underwear
This is a new trend for men. Women have had pushup bras for years and now it is the men’s turn. For those men who feel that they need a little help downstairs, this will make your life a little easier.
man pushup underwear
Fat-Burning Underwear
Leave it to the Japanese to come up with a solution to the world’s weight problem. With this specialized underwear, the object is to move. The more you move around the more weight you will lose.
fat burning underwear

The French are always thinking of new ways to be more romantic. With this pair of barely there panties, you can leave a love note inside the holder for you significant other.
love note panties
Light Up Lingerie
This line of lingerie seems to be the latest trend. With LED lights in both men and women’s styles there will be no problem finding each other in the dark.
light up lingerie
Soda Can Underwear
Designer Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch has designed a lingerie line made from soda can as well as other hardware objects. She insists that these pieces of clothing are just as comfortable as any other pair of underwear out there.
soda can underwear
Golf Ball Underwear
Designer Mio Destino has designed a pair of golf inspired lingerie. The panties have golf tees attached to the side and golf balls lining of the leg. The bra consists of golf balls all over the cups and a score counter as the straps.
golf ball underwear
Candy Underwear
This underwear is made of the same type of candy that candy necklaces are made of. It is very edible and can be quite intriguing to the other person. They have them for both men and women.
candy underwear
There are plenty of bizarre underwear and lingerie pieces out there. It is just how you choose to express your self under your clothes that matters to you and your lover. Maybe you can get a matching set that would make you both happy in the bedroom.

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